[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We would like to thank everybody that made our Taste of HOPE event recently in New York such a resounding success!
The American Irish Historical Society on 5th Avenue was the perfect setting and the entertainment and food was absolutely superb! Our special guest speaker had the room in fits of laughter with his hilarious anecdotes and the immensely talented Riah Butler showed her captivated audience exactly why her star is on the rise in Nashville. We’d like to thank them both very much for flying in especially for the event.
Thanks to all the volunteers who came together to make this happen. To Tom, Joe, Danny, Oisin, all of you have given your time and talent to support this event. Thanks of course to everyone that bought a ticket, entered the raffle and purchased in the auction. Your incredible generosity will make a huge difference to the lives of the street and slum children in Kolkata with whom we work on a daily basis.
Last but by no means least, to HOPE volunteer Sheila Geraghty, this event would not have been possible without her incredible resolve, huge heart and unbreakable spirit.
Thank you everyone for being the change you want to see in the world.
Our network in HOPE USA is growing stronger every day.
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