[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”40px”][ultimate_heading main_heading=”Want to travel to India? Enjoy guided walks? Would you like to help a street child?” heading_tag=”h4″][/ultimate_heading][vc_column_text]
27th October to 11th November 2018
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This fantastic walk will see you travel to India for the experience of a lifetime with The Hope Foundation.
Join us for this charity trek in November. You will walk in the majestic Himalayan foothills in the north of India in the states of Sikkim and North West Bengal. Walk destinations for this year’s trip will be: the environs of Kalimpong (West Bengal) and Pelling (Sikkim).
This is a trek that caters to all fitness levels in a moderate climate, walking in forests, spice plantations and through local villages and farmland. People of all ages and from all walks of life have enjoyed this life enhancing experience with HOPE.
A unique aspect of this trip is that you will also visit HOPE’s projects working with street children and vulnerable families in Kolkata (Calcutta) where you can see how your funds are helping change lives . All profits go towards helping change children’s lives and offering them safety, dignity and opportunities for a better future.
For further information on the HOPE Walk call HOPE on 021-4292990 or email admin@hopefoundation.ie
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